
Edu Plus Foundation

Edu Plus Foundation EPF is a non-political and non-religious Global Organization founded in 2020 during COVID-19.
We have been rendering our services in providing support in Education, Health and Social Sectors. Our vision is to bring progress, prosperity and peace by empowering the youth, deserving people, women and nation builders of different countries in Education, HR, Business and Health sectors. Our mission is to empower 10 million talented & unsung youth, women and all struggling people across the world in different fields such as Education, IT, Media, Business, AI I, E Commerce and in Social Sectors as well. The aim of Edu Plus is to get true freedom from Poverty, Unemployment, Injustice, illiteracy, Inequality, extremism and fanaticism. We are committed to produce compe- tent, extraordinary and community who can serve the humanity in all around the world. It will help and work to promote positive attitudes in communities to overcome economic, religious and social problems poverty, sexism, racism and discrimination through education and of race, reli- gion, or political affiliation.



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